The Ithaka Journal started in 2008 to accompany our reflections and projects about climate farming and ecosystem restoration. It witnessed the first articles about biochar field trials, the first biochar production in Europe, the development of the European Biochar Certificate, and the spawn of the Kon-Tiki. It coined the 55 uses of biochar, presented the first biochar buildings, designed carbon futures and the certification of the C-sink economy. The Ithaka Journal is an archive and a legacy and navigates more than ever into unknown territories. Global cooling, carbon cycling, nanocarbon materials, and coffee from Nepal. 


Our latest articles

Herbicides found in Human Urine

by Dirk Brändli & Sandra Reinacher
Glyphosate is the main active substance used in most commercial herbicides. It poisons not only plants, but also animals and humans. When testing for glyphosate contamination in an urban population, a German university found significant contamination in all urine samples with levels 5 to 20 times above the legal limit...

Biochar in European Viticulture: Results of the Season 2011

by Claudio Niggli & Hans-Peter Schmidt
In 2011, several new field-scale experiments with biochar in vineyards were set up by the Delinat Institute. In addition to the institute's own site in Valais (Switzerland), long-term field experiments were also undertaken in three representative vineyards in France, Spain and Italy. The primary aim was to investigate...

Nepal Climate Farming Fund

by Hans-Peter Schmidt &Bishnu Hari Pandit
One week after the earthquake in Nepal and thanks to the generous support of the European Biochar Community, the Nepali Climate Farming Fund was launched and has already brought relief to many Nepali biochar farmers that suffered the collapse or damage to their homes. In exchange for an advance of 5000 NRP (US$50) for...

Biochar Gardening - results 2011

by Hans-Peter Schmidt & Claudio Niggli
Over the last two years more than 200 hobby gardeners took part in a biochar trial coordinated by the Delinat Institute. Different sorts of vegetables were planted on two 10 m² garden plots, the one with compost only and the other with compost and biochar. The analysis of the results showed very interesting...

European Biochar Certificate

by Biochar Science Network
The introduction of the European Biochar Certificate is a milestone in the use of biochar in agriculture. Biochars produced under the certificate's guidelines fulfil all production criteria regarding the environment and climate protection. The product guarantee provided by the certificate covers the ecological supply...

Biochar in European Viticulture: Results of the Season 2011

by Claudio Niggli & Hans-Peter Schmidt
In 2011, several new field-scale experiments with biochar in vineyards were set up by the Delinat Institute. In addition to the institute's own site in Valais (Switzerland), long-term field experiments were also undertaken in three representative vineyards in France, Spain and Italy. The primary aim was to investigate...

Switzerland: the first European country to officially approve biochar

by Hans-Peter Schmidt
Switzerland has become the first country in Europe to officially approve the use of certified biochar in agriculture, with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture issuing its approval on 23 April 2013. In it, the Ithaka Institute is given responsibility for controlling biochar quality and the sustainability of its...

Terra Preta - Model of a Cultural Technique

by Hans-Peter Schmidt
The secret of Terra Preta lies not solely in its use of biochar, but rather in a societal system that has internalized the importance of closed nutrient cycles in nature. Only by means of conscious recycling of all accumulating waste matter could the otherwise nutrient poor tropical soils allow for population...

Treating liquid manure with biochar

by Hans-Peter Schmidt
One of our oldest preconceptions is that a cowshed inevitably stinks. But the pungent odour of liquid manure is first and foremost the sign of a microbial decomposition process that has gone out of control. That which stinks to high heaven is not only an offence to delicate citizens’ noses but above all a source of...

Biochar in viticulture - new results

by Hans-Peter Schmidt & Claudio Niggli
Viticulture is becoming the pioneering culture for biochar research. Biochar has been applied to many large-scale viticulture experiments across Europe this spring. After the first large-scale and long term experiments at the Delinat Institute in 2007-08, expectations are high. The latest results confirm these...

Ways of Making Terra Preta: Biochar Activation

by Hans-Peter Schmidt
Biochar is not a fertilizer, but rather a nutrient carrier and a habitat for microorganisms. First of all, biochar needs to be charged to become biologically active in order to efficiently utilize its soil-enhancing properties. There are numerous methods of activating and producing substrates similar to terra preta...

Hobby Gardeners' Experiments on Biochar: Preliminary Evaluation

by Claudio Niggli & Hans-Peter Schmidt
In early 2010 the Delinat Institute invited 500 gardeners to participate in a large-scale experiment on the use of biochar. In the meantime, there are some results. Although the average yields were slightly higher, there were considerable variations between sites and cultures. Biochar is not a fertilizer, but a...