The Ithaka Journal started in 2008 to accompany our reflections and projects about climate farming and ecosystem restoration. It witnessed the first articles about biochar field trials, the first biochar production in Europe, the development of the European Biochar Certificate, and the spawn of the Kon-Tiki. It coined the 55 uses of biochar, presented the first biochar buildings, designed carbon futures and the certification of the C-sink economy. The Ithaka Journal is an archive and a legacy and navigates more than ever into unknown territories. Global cooling, carbon cycling, nanocarbon materials, and coffee from Nepal. 


Our latest articles

Guidelines for the Production and Use of Biochar in Organic Farming

by Biochar Science Network
In order to unleash the huge environmental potential of biochar, quality and environmental standards are urgently needed. The Biochar Science Network (BCSN) has therefore developed a discussion paper for the certification of biochar for organic farming purposes.

Autumn pictures of a vineyard in biodiversity

by Patrick Rey
For three years now, the photographer Patrick Rey has been following the development and revitalisation of the ecosystem in Mythopia, week by week. Being one of the most species-rich areas in Wallis, the Delinat Institute area features itself with truly innumerable motives. In addition to praying mantises, grasshoppers...

First Industrial Biochar Production in Europe

by Hans-Peter Schmidt
On Friday the 16th April 2010, the first industrial biochar facility of Europe went in Lausanne (CH) into production. The biochar is produced from urban lop, grape pomace, wood, miscanthus and other suitable biomasse. The biochar production is guaranteed climate-positive and free from eco-toxicological substances....

Legume green cover in vineyards

by Claudio Niggli, Hans-Peter Schmidt, Jonathan Tudor
The influence of permanent green cover variants on grapevines without mechanical soil management has been investigated during the last years with respect to different parameters like soil composition or nitrogen supply. The perennial green crops have not been plowed, but mowed several times a year, leaving the organic...

Biochar in vineyards

by Claudio Niggli & Hans-Peter Schmidt
With soil depletion in vineyards often reaching extreme dimensions, the use of biochar seems a very promising way forward. Two years ago the Delinat Institute started the first large-scale biochar experiment in Europe. The results come not only as surprise for sceptics, but also far exceed the expectations of...

Climate Farming – A Master Plan for Sustainable Agriculture

by Hans-Peter Schmidt
Climate farming is an ecologically sustainable master plan for agriculture, whose future role is not limited to food production but will also include climate protection, fostering of biodiversity, and landscaping, as well as generation of energy and raw materials. These different functions are inseparably intertwined,...

Charter for Biodiversity in Vineyards

by Hans-Peter Schmidt
The principal idea of the new methods for a quality orientated wine growing is aimed at a precise encouragement of biodiversity. Nevertheless, the idea only arises indirectly from that esthetical image of a vineyard where one can perceive the smell of flowers and where the grasshoppers are jumping around; it is rather...

The Enological Significance of Acetaldehyde

by Volker Schneider
Wine contains a large number of aldehydes, and acetaldehyde is the most important among them due to its concentration and enological implications. It is involved in the maturation process of red wines and may be responsible for sensory defects, but can be bound spontaneously with sulfur dioxide (SO2). Its reactivity...